
public class EditController : UIViewController

The primary functionality of the EditController includes filter selection, filter intensity, adjustments (brightness, vibrance, saturation, etc.), cropping, rotation, horizontal/vertical perspective correction, and video segment composing/trimming/re-ordering.

The edit controller is always presented with an image or video based Session object. Sessions can be edited programmatically by changing filters, crop rects, trim times and more. The edit controller will display all programmatic changes to a session in its interface. For more information on modifying a session see the Session documentation.

When presented with an image based session, the controller consists of two tabs Filter and Adjust. When presented with a video, the controller consists of three tabs Filter, Trim and Adjust. You may edit media of any aspect ratio. All editing functionality available to images is also available to videos.

Normally the edit controller is pushed onto the navigation stack by either the LibraryController or CameraController. You may also present the edit controller manually with a Session for example:

let image = UIImage(named: "test_image")!

let session = Session(image: image)

let editController = EditController(session: session)
editController.delegate = self

let nav = UINavigationController(rootViewController: editController)
nav.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
self.present(nav, animated: true, completion: nil)


Sessions are automatically saved so you a responsible for calling destroy() when you are done with a session (unless noted otherwise). If you do not destroy a session it will persist in the users Drafts in memory and on disk.

You may also present an edit controller with one or more AVAssets, for example:

let asset1 = AVAsset(url: Bundle.main.url(forResource: "test", withExtension: "mov")!)
let asset2 = AVAsset(url: Bundle.main.url(forResource: "test2", withExtension: "mp4")!)

let _ = Session(assets: [asset1, asset2], sessionReady: { (session, error) in
    guard let session = session else {
        print("Unable to create session: \(error!)")

    let editController = EditController(session: session)
    editController.delegate = self

    let nav = UINavigationController(rootViewController: editController)
    nav.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
    self.present(nav, animated: true, completion: nil)

Filters under the Filter or Adjust tabs may be changed by setting the primaryFilters adjustmentFilters variables respectively.

The Adjust tab places the Position (cropping) button before the adjust filters. Cropping can be disabled by setting showsPositionAdjustment to false.

Creating an EditController

  • Creates an EditController with the provided session. The session you pass here will be automatically saved when any changes are made by the controller.


    Modifying the session after the controller has been presented may result in undocumented behavior.


    Provided session must not be destroyed.



    public init(session: Session)



    The session to initialize the EditController with.


  • The session the EditController was initialized with.



    public let session: Session
  • The edit controller view consists of a tab bar at the bottom and a small controller above it. Each tab is represented by a EditMode with an associated controller and title for the tab. The modes you provide here will be represented in the containers tab bar in their respective order.

    If you wish to provide your own controller, use the .custom(title:controller:) enum value.


    If you do not include .trim in your modes, the edit controller will be unable to enforce maximum video duration. You will have to implement logic for enforcing maximum duration yourself.


    You must provide at least one mode.

    Default value: [.filter, .trim, .adjust]



    public var modes: [EditMode] { get set }
  • The mode that is currently visible.

    Default value: .filter



    public private(set) var currentMode: EditMode { get }

Handling Controller Events

  • Set this delegate in order to handle events that occur in this controller.

    Default value: nil



    public weak var delegate: EditControllerDelegate? { get set }

UI Components

  • The back button in the top left corner of this controller.



    public private(set) var backButton: UIButton! { get }
  • The Next button in the top right corner of this controller.



    public private(set) var nextButton: UIButton! { get }
  • When “Keep Draft” is pressed in the save dialogue, no action is taken since the session has already been automatically saved. When “Discard” is pressed in the save dialogue, the session is destroyed by calling destroy().

    If this is true, the controller may show the save dialogue when the back button is pressed. isTransient must be false and there must have been changes to the session for a save dialogue to appear.

    If this is false, no save dialogue will be shown when the back button button is pressed.

    For all cases where no save dialogue appears, the session will stay saved and destroy() will not be called.

    Default value: true



    public var showsSaveDialogue: Bool
  • If you would like to disable cropping, rotation and horizontal/vertical perspective correction set this to false. This will hide the Position button found in the Adjust tab.

    Default value: true



    public var showsPositionAdjustment: Bool
  • Set this to true if you want to reduce the height of the editor controls and increase the height of the media preview. This can improve the user experience if portrait content is edited frequently.

    If this controller is presented by a LibraryController or CameraController with a portrait aspect ratio, the default value may be true instead of false.

    Default value: false



    public var compactControls: Bool { get set }