
public protocol BottomBarProvider

Your custom UIViewController can optionally conform to this protocol if you wish to customize the bottom bar of your controller.


  • Specifies whether the view controller prefers the bottom bar to be hidden or shown.

    If you change the return value for this method, call the setNeedsBottomBarAppearanceUpdate() method.

    Default value: false



    var prefersBottomBarHidden: Bool { get }
  • The preferred bottom bar view for the view controller.

    Specifies a UIView that will be your bottom bar for the view controller. If you return nil from this method, the parent controllers bottom bar will be used.

    If you change the return value from this method, call the setNeedsBottomBarAppearanceUpdate() method.

    Default value: nil



    var preferredBottomBarView: UIView? { get }
  • Specifies the animation style to use for hiding and showing the bottom bar of the view controller; one of the constants from the BottomBarAnimation enum.

    This property comes into play only when you actively change the bottom bar view by changing the return value of the preferredBottomBarView method or the bottom bar’s show/hide state by changing the return value of the preferredBottomBarUpdateAnimation method.

    Default value: .slide



    var preferredBottomBarUpdateAnimation: BottomBarAnimation { get }
  • Indicates to the SDK that the view controller bottom bar attributes have changed.

    Call this method if the view controller’s bottom bar attributes, such as hidden/unhidden status or view, change.

    You do not need to implement this method, only call it.



    func setNeedsBottomBarAppearanceUpdate()